Monday, November 7, 2011

The 3 Gas Laws

Charles Law- pressure remains constant. Temp and Volume are directly related.
In class we did a balloon lab to show Charles law. We had a ballon and a heater. As we heated the balloon up the balloon got bigger because the particles had more energy and moved around faster. So the volume increased and the ballon rose. This shows Charles law because there was no change in pressure and we increased the temperature causing the volume to increase.

Gay- lusaac's law- Volume remains constant. Temp and Pressure are directly related.
In class we did a lab to prove the Gay-Iusaac's law. In the lab we had air compresser and a bottle with a thermometer in it. As we pumped air into the bottle the pressure increased causing the temperature to also increase because there was more kinetic energy. The temperature increased because the more pressure you apply to an object the hotter it gets. This shows the gay-iusaac's law by having the volume remain consistent, and increasing the pressure making the temperature increase. Here is the data we collected. (In the lab we applied the pressure and recorded it and the temperature and then gradually let the pressure out and recorded the same every now and then.)
Station 9-
Pressure- temp
Trial 2

Boyle's Law- temperature remains constant. Pressure and Volume are inverse related.
A Lab we did to show this was the Bicycle station. In the bicycle station we had a bicycle pump, a bottle and a sealed off surenge. The volume measurer was put in the bottle with it set at a certain volume. As we pumped air into the bottle the pressure (psi) increased because we were forcing more air into a inclosed area. This caused the volume in the surenge to decrease because the outside pressure of the surenge was higher then the pressure on the inside of it. This shows that the lab used Boyle's law by the temperature not be a factor and the pressure increasing an the volume decreasing. (We recorded the data by having the pressure high then releasing some of the pressure and recording the volume.)
Pressure (psi)- volume in surenge (mL)
Test 2

A real life example of Gay-lusaacs law is a car tire popping during the summer because heat is aplied which causes the pressure to increase inside of the tire.

A real life example of Charles is a hot air balloon. Heat is being added to the balloon heating up the particals already inside of it and increasing the volume.

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