Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chemistry in a Bag

When my partner and I mixed Calcium Chloride with Phenol Red and water, it started to fizz. It turned a yellowish orange and started to bloat. It had an odor that smelled like rubbing alcohol.

When we mixed Calcium Chloride with Sodium Bicarbonate together with just Phenol Red, it turned hot, and then really cold. It was a yellowish pink color. It was really chunky at first. We had a very hard time getting everything to disolve. It had an odor like alcohol.

When my partner and I mixed sodium bicarbonate with calcium chloride Together with just water, it turned white and started to foam. It got really hot and then cooled down really fast. It obtained no water.

When we mixed calcium chloride with phenol red, it got really warm. It turned a reddish pink color. The bag didn't bloat or swell up. It had a very strong odor. It smelled like rubbing alcohol.

When we mixed sodium bicarbonate with phenol red, it turned red. It got really hot and the bag started to swell. Then the substance got really cold.

When we mixed Calcium Chloride with water it got really hot. It stayed white, and foamed a little. There was no odor.

When we mixed Sodium Bicarbonate with water It was almost the exact opposite of the Calcium Chloride. It got really cold. The substance was really milky. There was also no odor like the Calcium Chloride.

Post Lab Questions:

  1. Sodium Bicarbonate with Calcium chloride mixed together with Phenol Red and Water.

  2. No, we observed everything and took our time to realize any possible changes.

  3. The only actual color change was when we added the Phenol Red. When it was added it turned different colors like, reddish orange, but then changed to yellow or pink. Different chemical combinations willend up with different color changes.

  4. I didn't observe everything at once so I really don't know. I observed everything one at a time.

  5. You need a liquid to get a reaction out of these chemicals. Nothing will happen if you don't add the water or Phenol Red.

  6. Because when you mix chemicals together with other chemicals, a chemical reaction takes place and you have a new chemical. Calcium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate mixed with Water and Phenol Red.

  7. Take 2 separate bags, put Calcium Chloride in both. Put water and Phenol Red in one bag. But only Phenol Red in the other bag. Seal both bags. Then shake and observe what occurs.

  8. A temp change might not always occur. All chemicals react differently. They will not always create a Temp. change. Some may create a hotter temp. Some might create a colder temp. Some might not even create a change in temp.

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