Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Plastic baggy lab
1.due to the experiments tests I would say that either the phenol red or the water Is responsible for the heat and or temperature change. the individual tests their was an temp. Change and it was due to either water or phenol red. One the tests turned out to have a cold temperature.
3.the color change in the tests were due to the phenol red mixing with other substances like calcium and water.
4.usually i see both a the same time but i think that the color would come first.
5.i think that the water played a big part in the chemical change in the expirements
6.the chemicals responsible to the change in substance is red and water and sodium bicarbonate.
7.the expire,ent would be like mixing them together and it wouldnt change for and it would heat up
8.sometimes thats what i look for when i am conducting and expirement.
The Baggie Experient
I had to find out what was causing all these reactions to happen so i starting doing experiments with some ingredients cut out. First i did Water and Baking soda together, after that the bag did not expand and it did not heat up or change colors it just got cold. Water and Calcium chloride mixed made the bag smell like paint the bag did not expand it did not change colors but it did heat up.
After i got done with the water tests it was time for the phenol red i started with calcium chloride and phenol red. After shaking the baggie it got hotter and turned like the yellow orangish color it did not heat up. The phenol red and baking soda then cause a thick pink / purple liquid color there was no smell and the bag did not expand.
After these 4 experiments i tried everything except water and that was the key. Everything happened as the first time i was going with all ingredients except for this time it took a lot more shaking to make the bag expand so i am guessing that the water just makes the chemical reaction to speed up.
Questions :
1. Everything but water cause the reaction. Water just sped the reaction up.
2. The temperature changed when you shaked the bag it got hotter when you stop it gets cold.
3. It changed orange/ yellow sometimes when you took some chemicals out it turned purple/pinkish.
4. Yes, because tempeture goes up when the reaction occurs, in order for that to happen you have to shake the bag.
5. The absence of water makes the reaction slower.
6. Dry with dry then phenol with both.
7. Heat and gas test.
8. If you stir sugar with water that doesnt change the temperature but it is still a chemical reaction so no.
wednesday 29
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
lab #1
we worked with calcium soudium bicarbontae and phenol red. when we mixed all 3 of these with water and shook it up in a bag and watch the changes appear. the chemical changes where.
- heat
- gas was made
- the red changed to yellow/ orange
- bubbles formed.
- the smell of rubbing achool
then when we tried to find out what made what chemical reaction happen. we found that when we mixed the water with the calcium and soudium bicarbonate that we the heat and gas reaction. then when we mixed calcium and the phenol red and found that it makes a hot pink color and some little bubbles. then we put the soudim bicarbonate with the water and found that that made heat. then we put the phenol red and the soudium and that made heat. then we put the calcium and water and the chemical reaction was cold. then last we mixed he phenol read and the calcium and the soudium bicarbonate and that made the yellow color and the gas and the heat.
- water was the change for the heat.
- yes the waterand calcium made a temp change to cold and the temp change that we got was a hot temp.
- the color we got for the 1st time was orange and yellow and the one that got us that was calcium and soudium and phenol red.
- no because the bubble appear the minute that the chemicals meet each other and the color takes time to mix.
- when i took water out of the controled exsperiment it doesnt change anything. all the reactions happen just the same. so we put the phonel red soudium and calcium in a baggy.
- there was less in the baggy and the baggy popped. and we did not need any of the water to get th ereaction to happen.
- then nothing would happen like the heat and gas would not happen and the color would not be the same. we would test it by leaving out it out.
- yes it does because the elements will be doing something different. and some atoms move faster or slower causeing a reaction to happen so either way a reaction happens.
the begining
When I mixed the phenol red and the calcium chloride it got really warm and smelled like rubbing alcohol.
When mixing the phenol red and baking soda together it smelt like rubbing alcohol and got really cold.
When I mixed the calcium chloride with water it got really warm and fizzled a little.
Baking soda with water made it really cold and it looked like milk.
1. I think the different substances made it feel different. Like when we put the two together it got hot and cold.
2. No, there was no different temp change.
3. Yellowish orange,no it takes all those chemicals to make it that color.
4. The color usually came first and then the gas formed.
5. When they were seperate nothing would happen, when put together it caused a reaction.
6. Color, smell, and when the substance turned into gas.
7. Change the liquid and see if it would do the same.
8. No just depends on if your doing so something to change the tempature.
When we had all the procedures finished we mixed the substances. Immediatley gas began to build up within the ziplock bag and the bag also began to heat up. When all the substances mixed the color became a bright orange-yellow color. After the reaction was done we opened the ziplock bag and wofted the substances. Imeediately it smelled of rubbing alcohal. We rcorded our data and observations and discarded the bag.
We then began to test different possible mixtures to figure out what substances created what reactions. The first mixture we tested was Calcium chloride mixed with water. With this mixture heat was produced and the calcium chloride did not dissolve, it was non-soluable. The second mixture we tested Sodium bicarbonate mixed with water. With this mixture a cold reaction was present. The third mixture we tested was Calcium chloride mixed with phenol red. With this mixture heat was produced and a rubbing alcohal scent was given off. The fourth mixture we tested was Sodium bicarbonate mixed with phenol red. With this mixture a cold temperature was produced. The fifth mixture we tested was Calcium chloride mixed with Sodium bicarbonate mixed with water. With this mixture heat, gas and bubbles were produced. The last and final mixture we tested was Calcium chloride mixed with Sodium bicarbonate mixed with phenol red. With this mixture heat was produced followed by cold temperature, gas and the mixture turned into a yellow color that smelled of rubbing alcohal.
1) Calcium Chloride mixed with a liquid (heat) and Sodium Bicarbonate mixed with a liquid
2) No, we noticed the heat and cold again.
3) In the overall reaction the color was a bright yellow. Phenol red mixed with Sodium bicarbonate was a bright pink color. Phenol red mixed with Calcium chloride was a bright pink color.
4) No, because we observed color and temperature in different mixtures where gas was not present.
5) In the beginning we mixed the Sodium bicarbonate and Calcium chloride together with the absence of a liquid and nothing happened.
6) Evidence that supports that a new chemical substance that was created by the overall reaction was the production of gas, temperature, color and the appearence that there was less of the substances after the reaction.
7) Test Calcium chloride with other liquids to see if a reaction takes place.
8) Temperature changes do not always indicate chemical reactions because it might just be showing a chage of state.
Calcium Chloride- white, ballish clumps, no smell
Phenol Red- Red liquid no smell (will stain skin and clothing)
Sodium Bicarbonate- white, powdery, no smell (baking soda)
Water- clear liquid, no smell
We used one spoon of Calcium Chloride, one spoon of Sodium Bicarbonate, one pipet of Phenol Red, one pipet of water, per test.
all four chemicals mixed reactions- heat in the begining, expanding, bubling liquid, color change,cold at the end, thick liquid at the end (dried to the sides of the bag), simlar smell to paint.
Water and Sodium Bicarbonate reactions- Coldness, thickness
Water and Calcium Cloride- heat, smells like chlorine
Phenol Red and Calcium Cloride- hot, smells like rubing alchohol
Phenol Red and Sodium bicarbonate- coldness, thick liquid, no smell
Sodium Bicarbonate, Calcium chloride, and Phenol Red- yellow paist, expanding
1. Water and Sodium bicarbonate made it cold, while the Phenol Red and the Calcium Cloride made it hot. because in the overall mixture we had the heat and the coolness.
3. the overall mixture produced a yellow paste. the chemicals responsible for the color change were sodium bicarbonate, calcium, and phenol red.
4. yes because to change from a liquid to gas you need a temerature change.
5. the solid chemicals will no nothing without one of the liquids.
6. a new chemical is produced because there is a phisical looking change. either of the liquids combined with either of the solids.
Chemistry in a bag
Sodium Bicarbonate
Phenol Red
Safety concerns:
Phenol red stains
When mixed in a bag, the chemicals became hot and gas was produced. After shaking it for a while the mixture became cold and stopped reacting. When opened the gasses escaped and there was an odor of paint. Next we mixed all possible combination to confirm what reacted with what to create the conditions observed.
1. Phenol red and Calcium Chloride.
2. Phenol red and Calcium Chloride created heat.
3. The overall color was orange. The phenol red mixed with Calcium Chloride caused this.
4. No, water and Sodium Bicarbonate caused gas to be produced without a temp. change.
5. All possible mixtures where tested.
6. The change in color, temp and odor suggest the creation of a new chemical substance.
7. Combine Calcium Chloride with water and see if anything changes.
8. In this lab it does. In general temp. changes are caused by the breaking and forming of chemical bonds, resulting in the creation of other chemicals.
- we had to do a lab that involved taking 4 different chemicals, calcium choride, phenol red, baking soda and water. we had to mix all of those chemicals in a bag and obsever what was happening. we had to write down our observations. After we observed all four chemicals mixed together we had to experiment and find out where all of the observations were coming from. so we mixed just two of the chemicals together and obseved what happened such as the phenol red and the calcuim chloride. Then we went on experimenting with all four chemical mixing only two at a time.
- We used one spoon full of the calcium chloride, and the baking soda then we used one pipet full of the phenol red and the water.
- With all four of the chemicals mixed together our observations were that the color changed to a bright yellow color, it fizzed, it was producing gas and heat and had a slight odor. With only the phenol red and calcium chloride it got hot, and smelled like rubbing alcohol. With water and calcium chloride it got hot and smelled like chorine. With water and baking soda it got cold and turned into a thick paste. With phenol red and baking soda it was a cold thick paste with no smell. With the two solides and the phenol red it turned into a yellow paste and formed a gas.
- the calcium chloride
- with the phenol red and the baking soda it got cold right away but with all four mixed it got hot first then it got cold.
- it turned yellow and the calcium chloride, baking soda, and phenol red mixed caused the color change
- yes becasue substances have to change
- we did all of the controlled experiments we could to evaluate everything that happened everything happened with the absence of water except for the fizzing
- the plastic bag filled with air which shows it was producing a gas, and the two solids and phenol red mixed together caused that.
- you could mix just calcium chloride and water and observe what happens.
- yes because heat it formed from a chemical reaction.
- some of the observations were with the four chemicals mixed together it changed color and heated up and it was producing a gas because the bag filled with air and looked like it was about to blow up.
Chem in a bag
what you used?
sodium bicarbonate
calcuim chroride
phenol red
Alone all of the substances were obbserved. The calcium chloride was white. It was in the form of little balls or beads. There was no smell to the substance. the sodium bicarbonate was also white. It was a powdery substance with no smell. The phenol red was a koolaid red. It had an oder of alcohol .
what did you do?
In a snack baggy I combined one spoon of Calcuim chloride, one spoon of sodium bicarbonate, one pipet of phynal red, and one pipet of water. We put the calcium chroride and sodium bicarbonater in one corner and water and phenal red in the other. Shut the baggy so that no air is trapped inside. Combime the two combinations together. Set the baggy in the palm of your hand. shake the baggy constantly.
what happened?
Together the substances turned a yellow color. The chemical inside the baggy stuck to the sides of the baggy. It started heating up, and the baggy stated to expand. Some of the classes baggys blew up because of the air preasure in the baggy. The air inside the baggy smelled like paroxide.
post lab questions
1.Calcium Choride with a liquid
3.from red to yellow, the phenol red, the calcium chloride, and the sodium bicarbonatemixed together, you don't have to have the the temp./color changes to form the gas bubbles the begining we kept them seperate and nothing happened so yes, we combined phenol red, calcium chloride, and soduim bicarbonate and it had a similar reaction
6. it changed colors and had a new odor, the phenol red, the phenol red, the cacium chloride, and the sodium bicarbonate
7.combime the calcium chloride with another liquid other than the phenol red to see if it has the same reaction.
8.yes, because heat is formed by a chemical reaction
Chem in a bag
Snack bag
One spoon full of each substance was used in each trial.
A-baking soda
-was a powder substance
B-phenol red (stains)
-was a liquid substance
C-calcium chloride (skin irritant)
-was a substance that was in small grains
-was a liquid substance
What did you do?
Trial 1:
I took the four substances and combined them into a baggie. Once combined and shaken up fizzed and was extremely hot after a few seconds got extremely cold, when the bag was opened it had an odor.
Trial 2:
Substances A, B, and C were combined and got very warm then started to fizz then the bag expanded, when opened had an odor.
Trial 3:
When A and C were combined the bag just got warm, nothing fizzed and the bag did not expand, although when opened it stil had an odor.
Trial 4:
When B and C were combined the only change was the substances mixed. There was no temperature change and no expanding or contracting of the bag the substance still had an odor when the bag was opened.
Trial 5:
when A, B, and water were combined the substances mixed, fizzed, got warm but did not expand. When the bag was opened there was no odor.
Trial 6:
when A and water were combined the substances mixed and got extremely hot.
Trial 7:
When B and water were combined the substances mixed and got extremely cold.
With this lab we took a bag and used one spoon full of the substance. We did multiple test to find out what substances had which effect. Substance A caused the bag to expand. Substance B caused the color change. Substance C caused the temperature change in the bag. When added water helped to set all of these substances into motion.
Chemistry in a Bag
When my partner and I mixed Calcium Chloride with Phenol Red and water, it started to fizz. It turned a yellowish orange and started to bloat. It had an odor that smelled like rubbing alcohol.
When we mixed Calcium Chloride with Sodium Bicarbonate together with just Phenol Red, it turned hot, and then really cold. It was a yellowish pink color. It was really chunky at first. We had a very hard time getting everything to disolve. It had an odor like alcohol.
When my partner and I mixed sodium bicarbonate with calcium chloride Together with just water, it turned white and started to foam. It got really hot and then cooled down really fast. It obtained no water.
When we mixed calcium chloride with phenol red, it got really warm. It turned a reddish pink color. The bag didn't bloat or swell up. It had a very strong odor. It smelled like rubbing alcohol.
When we mixed sodium bicarbonate with phenol red, it turned red. It got really hot and the bag started to swell. Then the substance got really cold.
When we mixed Calcium Chloride with water it got really hot. It stayed white, and foamed a little. There was no odor.
When we mixed Sodium Bicarbonate with water It was almost the exact opposite of the Calcium Chloride. It got really cold. The substance was really milky. There was also no odor like the Calcium Chloride.
Post Lab Questions:
- Sodium Bicarbonate with Calcium chloride mixed together with Phenol Red and Water.
- No, we observed everything and took our time to realize any possible changes.
- The only actual color change was when we added the Phenol Red. When it was added it turned different colors like, reddish orange, but then changed to yellow or pink. Different chemical combinations willend up with different color changes.
- I didn't observe everything at once so I really don't know. I observed everything one at a time.
- You need a liquid to get a reaction out of these chemicals. Nothing will happen if you don't add the water or Phenol Red.
- Because when you mix chemicals together with other chemicals, a chemical reaction takes place and you have a new chemical. Calcium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate mixed with Water and Phenol Red.
- Take 2 separate bags, put Calcium Chloride in both. Put water and Phenol Red in one bag. But only Phenol Red in the other bag. Seal both bags. Then shake and observe what occurs.
- A temp change might not always occur. All chemicals react differently. They will not always create a Temp. change. Some may create a hotter temp. Some might create a colder temp. Some might not even create a change in temp.
Chemisrty In a Bag - Chem lab
Chemistry In A Bag
Temperature: First was really hot, then immediately got cold.
Feeling: I could feel the calcium cloride then it all turned to liquid.
Smell: Smells Like Candy. Smells Sweet
Color: I saw some pink/purple. Then It turned to all yellow.
When I closed it, I made sure I had all the air out of it. Then it started filling up with the gas. It popped at the top so all the air/gas came out.
Baking Soda, Water:
Temperature: Cold
Feeling: Liquidy
Smell: No sent
Color: Milky White.
Baking Soda. Pheynol Red:
Temperature: Not too cold. Not too hot.
Feeling: Liquid
Smell: A Chemical
Color: Purple/Pink
Baking Soda, Pheynol Red & Calcium Cloride:
Temp: Cold
Feeling: liquid
Smell: Paint
Feeling: Liquid after the calcium cloride turned into liquid
Smell: Paint
Color: Milky White
The Calcium Cloride & the water released Co2 so the bag inflated
Feeling: I can feel the beads of the calcium cloride
Smell: Paint
Color: Yellow & Red
It got super hot right when the liquid touched the calcium cloride
2.) Calcium Cloride & Pheynol Red produced the heat.
3.) In the overall reaction it was all pink & purple then it started turning yellowish orange when I kept shaking it. The Pheynol red & the calcium cloride changed the color.
5.) All were tested.
7.) See what changes after you combine calcium cloride & water.
Chemistry in a Bag
In the lab my partner and I used Calcium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Phenol Red, Water, baggies, goggles, and Scopes.
Safety hazards: that we were warned about are the Phenol Red stains clothing, Calcium Chloride irritates the skin. wear goggles and pull back hair.
The Observations of the Chemistry in a Bag:
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
Phenol Red
Ca Cl2: circular powder balls, white, no scent
NaHCO3: white powder, no scent
phenol red: red liquid, no scent
water: clear liquid, no scent
1. Mixed all
2. CaCl2 & water
3. NaHCO3 & water
4. CaCl2 & Phenol Red
5. NaHCO3 & Phenol Red
6. CaCl2, NaHCO2 & water
7. CaCl2, NaHCo2 & Phenol Red
*match numbers*
Observation of Test:
1. cool, yellow and gas pressure
2. heat, No scent and insoluble
3. Cool, no scent
4. pink, smells like rubbing alcohol, beads don’t dissolve
5. cold, pink
6. gas producing, bubbling, like toothpaste
7. gas producing, yellow, heat then cooled down
1. Calcium Chloride produces the heat with either liquid. Sodium Bicarbonate makes it a little cooler.
2. No not really, it was a little cooler. But not extremely cold and it wasn't hot.
3. There was two colors. One color was yellow, and one was pink. The Phenol Red was responsible for color change.
4. Yes, because you are holding it therefore you can feel the heat then when you feel the heat the bubbles and being produced to make gas. When the heat was being produce it already changes colors, it kind of all happens at the same time.
5. Yes, liquid is necessary or else nothing really happens because then it's just a dry substance trying to mix with another dry substance and nothing happened. The water had some part in it when my partner and I tested the water helped mix the substances which then produced gas, bubbling, and heat.
6. It produced some sort of chemical reaction. Calcium Chloride and Phenol Red.
7. Mix Calcium Chloride with other liquids.
8. No not always, because if you heat water then its just heating the water the water didn't change other then getting hot.