Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Science World Articles 10.12.11

SCIENCE WORLD: P.8 10.12.11

PINT-SIZE POWERHOUSES: (pg. 4, blue Science World, March 15-April 5, 2010)

This article was about how scientists are tapping into the suns energy and creating photo voltaic cells that turn sunlight into limitless energy. These cells are as efficient as rooftop solar panels but can do more and it is cheaper by using these cells. They are very flexible so they can be attached to backpacks and be used to recharge things like cell phones or just surround buildings & that produces electricity. Their goal is to reduce the cost of solar power.

WOLVES IN DECLINE: (pg. 6, Green Science World, April 19, 2010)

This article is about how gray wolves once were on the endangered species list and then got delisted. They started off around the whole United States, but what put them on the endangered species list was the habitat shrinking and over hunting. The wolves were put in the Yellowstone National Park in 1995. After that, they wolf population grew enough for them to be taken off the list. Recently, disease and smaller food supply has taken over for the wolves. Wolves eat elk, and the elk population has dropped so therefore the wolves population dropped because it made it harder for them to find food. Now since the decline in wolves, there is now enough resources for them to survive and the park now has a small enough number to support them.

HEARING: (pg. 22, Green Science World, April 19, 2010)

This article is about the man who set the Guinness World Record for having the longest ear hair of any human being! His ear hair measures out to be 13.2 cm. long! (5.2 inches) He has to comb his ear hair because it is so long. He inherited only hairy ears, so he is lucky, because abnormally hairy noses come with that gene!

CATCHING SOME RAYS: (pg. 5, Bug Science World, September 7, 2009)

summary: This article is about how lizards regulate how much vitamin D they get. They love soaking up the sun because they need their Vitamin D but it depends on how much vitamin D they are eating in their diet. They equal it out very effectivley. They spend less time in the sun if they eat more D, and spend more time in the sun if they don't eat that much of it in their diet.

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